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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Parenting Questions Answered!

Have you ever wondered:

How to discipline your children without ruining their
How to deal with your picky eaters?
How to protect your child from being bullied at school or online?
How to overcome your own parenting issues so as not to raise
children with hang-ups?
How to raise your children financially aware?

Get your questions answered about these and so much more
on the Great Parenting Show starting this Tuesday,
March 13th.

There will be 24+ experts sharing their best strategies,
tactics and process and best of all the information is
FREE.Sign up here to register

You can even get YOUR questions answered on the call!

More information here CLICK here.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bedtime Routines

Bedtime routines work

And could be the answer to end your bedtime battles. No matter what age your child is- a bedtime routine provides a positive way to end your child’s day.  The hope is that you and your child will look forward to this special time together each and every night to connect and reflect on the day you had- plan for the next wonderful day you are given.

What can you include in the bedtime routine? 
 This is what our routine looks like at our house for my 6 and 4 year olds:
  • Tubby time- or wash cloth bath on nights when we eliminate the bath
  •  Brush teeth
  • Get PJ’s on
  • 2 books- one for each child
  • Prayers
  •  Last call for water and potty break
  •  Lights Out
  •  Special story for those who nap
  •  Snuggle time with each boy individually- they usually get to ask 3 questions to end their day
  • Covers and Night Night time

What I have found is that when you fill your child’s need to be held, cuddled, and listened too- sleep happens very easily.  Our routine typically starts around 6:30 and can take from 30-45 minutes, so be sure to plan that accordingly with your child’s actual sleep time.  This is one of the secrets to a good night of sleep.  Parents who try to rush bedtime will find it will backfire on them and will end up being a longer process than they intended

Some last notes on creating the bedtime routine:
  • Give your child some choices: would you like to wear your Dora or Barbie jammies?   Do you want to put your pants on or mommy? Would you like to brush your teeth standing or sitting? Do you want to pick our story or daddy?  Would you like me to wash your left or right arm first?  Having fun and providing these simple choices will give your child the control they want, give you a child ready for bed with limits and boundaries everyone can live with-that’s a win-win bedtime routine. 
  • Keep it positive to help promote good thoughts- sweet dreams. 
  • If your child has a fear of the dark or monsters- use a night light, include a nightly room check for monsters, some people like to use a monster spray, and/or throw the bad dreams away.   Most of these strategies will work with your preschool aged child.  
  • Create a special thing that you do with your child.  It’s okay and actually great when mom and dad have their own little thing they do.   
  • As your child gets older, your snuggle time might be the time your child opens up to you to share some of his or her school wins and losses from the day.  She/he may clue you in on some life challenges they are experiencing.  You want to begin to open this form of communication now so when they are in the tween and teen years you already have this time and trust built with your child and they will want to share with you.  

Bedtime once upon a time ago -3 years ago to be exact- was a nightmare in our home.  It was the last thing I looked forward to- but now- I love it and can’t wait to have that special time with Connor and Bailey. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Before I Was A

Before I was a Mom-
I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed.  I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.

Before I was a Mom-
I cleaned my house each day.  I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.  I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.  I never thought about immunizations. 

Before I was a Mom-
I had never been puked on- pooped on- spit on- chewed on- or peed on.  I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.  I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom-
I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests or give shots.  I never looked into teary eyes and cried.  I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.  I never sat up late hours at night watching a a baby sleep.  

Before I was a Mom-
I never held a baby just because I didn't want to put it down.  I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.  I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.  I never knew I could love someone so much.  I never knew I would love being a  Mom.  

Before I was a Mom-
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside of my body.   I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.  I didn't know the bond between a mother and her child.  I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.  

Before I was a Mom-
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.  I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment, or the satisfaction of being a Mom.  I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a mom.  

I came across these truths of motherhood.  I'm not sure who the original author is- but I guess I never really realized how much my children warm my heart and life, make me feel emotions I never felt, and how very different my life was before children.  I feel so blessed to have Connor and Bailey in this season of my life and I look to enjoy the journey through all the good, and learn from the bad, and build those memories together.  

I hope that you will *share* this with someone whom you think is a special Mom...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sleep Solutions for your child

Are you struggling with sleep for your child?  Does your child wake frequently during the night?   Does your child wake earlier than 6am?   Does your child need you to help them go to sleep?  Are you feeling sleep deprived?  

The Sleep Smarts, Sleep Success workshop could be the gentle sleep solution for you!

In each workshop, you’ll learn how to use techniques to instill positive, healthy behaviors that will continue to build the relationship of trust and security.   The Sleep Smarts, Sleep Success will help parents learn:
  • Common sleep mistakes we make as parents, and how to get "sleep smart."
  • Learn strategies that are based on a loving, positive,  and gentle approaches to parenting our young ones
  • The importance of getting the right amount of the right kind of sleep at the right time
  • Methods – The How To’s- for your child’s age
  • Specific language to effectively solve discipline issues during the day and night
  • How to defuse potentially difficult situations such as tantrums and power struggles throughout your day
  • How to get your child to go to sleep, stay asleep, and make it a great day everyday!
  • Access to handouts and resources in the Loving Lessons Parent Resource Community

Sleep Smarts, Sleep Success:

Get a discount for this workshop by using the SLEEPNOW discount code!

Parents will learn about expected behaviors by age and a wide range of ways to solve common issues. Fewer battles, better listening, restful sleep, more peace!
Learn how to get sleep in place from the comfort of your home.  Can’t make it to the scheduled time of the workshop?  No problem- once you are registered for the designated workshop you will receive a recording and access to all the materials shared in the session.  These sessions do not include a personalized sleep plan- but will provide you with the tools to create your own sleep plan.